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Freebies for your Meet and Greet

Hey guys!!! It's Katie, from Little Warriors!!

OMGoodness!!!! It's coming!!! It's sneaking up on all of us and will be here before you know it!!! The FIRST DAY of SCHOOL!!!

That first day of school (especially if you're a kindergarten teacher and teach full day) is like nothing else on this Earth that you could ever experience!!

This will by my 12th first day of when I was five and 11th as a teacher!!! Man, I'm feeling old!! :) But, over the years, I have discovered a few tricks that will help your Kinders feel a little bit more comfortable, more at ease and make the whole process just a little less scary for EVERYONE :)

I first posted about these back in 2011 and I got soooo many requests for different options that I made a whole set of them in 2012. They've been floating around Pinterest for a while, but it's been a while since I shared them. So, I wanted to bring them back once again because they are just so magical!!

So, here's how it works. This is just a little "treasure hunt", as I like to call it :) The kids just go around the room and search for all of the things on the list. This helps them get familiar with the room. They will learn where they will sit on the first day, where to hang their backpacks and become acquaited with the room. Now, here's the best part! At the end of the hunt, they find the treasure box and they get to pick a prize!!! Now I've got them hooked!! They LOVE school! It's a nice, friendly place AND I become known as the nicest teacher EVER!!!! ;)

This seriously works! I've had sooo many parents tell me how scared and anxious their kids were until they came and did the treasure hunt at our meet and greet. I've had so few criers the last couple of years and when you start with 26 kinders, it's a HUGE help not to have to worry about kids that are scared and upset on that first day.

I know everyone's classroom is, there are LOTS of options to choose from. I have made 9 kindergarten options, 9 first grade options and 12 Pre-K options:

Click on the image below to see ALL of the K options:

Click on the image below to see ALL of the First Grade options:

Click on the image below to see ALL of the Preschool options:

(I know that preschool is called many different things now-but, I just used "preschool" as a generic term to cover all of them :)



  1. Super cute, Katie! We did a scavenger hunt at Meet the Teacher last year, but I LOVE how yours ends at the treasure chest! Thanks for the cute freebie! :)

  2. Anonymous18 July, 2014

    Thanks for the freebie, Katie.

  3. This is so cute!! I just love how it gets the kinders up and moving around on the very first day, and the fact that it ends with a stop at the treasure chest is so super!! I really appreciate that you included lockers as a place to stop, since that is what we have in my school instead of cubbies. Thank you so very, very much for sharing such a wonderful freebie!! Oh, and that meme is PERFECT!!! So glad to have come across your blog through Blog Hoppin, love the name!! Hope you enjoy the rest of your summer!!

    Warmest Wishes,

  4. Thanks for the freebies! I can't wait to use the hunt with my kiddos this fall.

  5. Super cute! Thanks for sharing!

    Down the Learning Road

  6. what a fun idea! I'm definitely doing this! Thank you!

  7. So cute, thanks for sharing. :-)
