I hope you're all enjoying your Christmas break!!
I know that many times, Christmas break is a time for you to relax and spent time with your family and friends. School is put on the back burner for a couple of weeks. Time to unwind and relax....until you realize-uggggggh!!!! There are only a couple more days left of break and you left your plan book at school because you had planned to go in over break and do a little planning-haaaaa!!!!!
Don't panic!!! Last year at this time I was just finishing up my maternity leave and had 3 months to think about what I was going to do with my kiddos that first week in January :)
I'll share with you some photos that I took last year and never had a chance to post about! LOL!
My favorite part of this unit is the New Year's "Toast".
We talk about how toast has 2 different meanings and what a New Year's toast really is. Then, we brainstorm things that we can toast to.
Next, we make our cute little "New Year's Toast."
This unit is packed with tons of FUN!! It's a great way for your kiddos to celebrate the NEW YEAR!!! Here are a few of the activities that are included:
There is a little letter to mail to your kiddos to get them excited about coming back and celebrating the new year. It also tells them to bring in a few items for their time capsules. They will be opening these next year to see how much they have changed over the past year :)
New Years Bedtime graph:
Some fun snacks!
Pop a balloon to find a sight word. If you can read it, the kids get a point. Can't? Teacher gets a point :)
Click on the image below to go check this unit out!
You can grab this little Freebie from my blog by clicking on the picture below :)
Happy New Year!!!